Meet the Sail and Kayak Team

We just LOVE what we do!

We have no ambitions to be a Big Box Store.

Our Customers are on our TEAM as well.


We’re convinced that Chris was probably born on a boat. Whether

that rumor is true or not. She’ll be on the water any chance she gets.


CDO - Chief Dog Officer
His job is to Greet Everyone. He acts tough, but he’s really a big Pussycat. Love’s kids.



Sometimes, Dave thinks he’s larger than life.
But really, he just likes Photoshop.

Regardless, he’s here to help.




Our Official, Hobie, Competitive, Fishing Dude.

If there are Bass nearby, he’ll find them.

BTW, he might have secrets?


John would rather be fishing. He’s on our team because he wants to help keep your boat in Tip Top Shape.

Please ask him about fishing, we pay him by the hour. But, if he can answer your questions, it’s worth it.

According to John: “There is no short answer to a fishing question.”



“Fishin’ is Livin’ “

The Unload Team